the team


We’re TypeJar—a graphic design and illustration studio with a desire to foster long-lasting creative partnerships through adaptability, empathy, community and accountability.

We are Brandi and Tim Harrison (yep, we’re married), and we thrive best when we are able to create things—hands on, digital, experiential. It’s who we are.

We both have our signature strengths: Brandi maintains client relationships and leads project art direction and Tim brings projects to life through his storytelling and illustration skills.

work with us

Let's get started

Listening to and being aware of what matters most and why is at our core. Creative work can’t start without collaboration. Let’s have a conversation and get to know one another.


8 + 6 =


the social connection

Fostering relationships and building trust as partners matter to us.

typejarstudio A few weeks ago, we scoped out the trains for our project with @austinsteamtrain. We are illustrating the holiday storybook for the North Pole Flyer. Ho, ho, hope you get a ticket to ride this holiday season!
typejarstudio Awww…My week has been made! Got this lovely shirt in the mail today from Amber Elby, Author. Working together, we transformed the cover of her book, Cauldron’s Bubble, to use as the design on the t-shirt. So excited to wear our design in support of this fascinating read! Thanks, Amber!
typejarstudio We decided on a logo for Spoken Heart Ceremonies! We are going with #1!